Aviation Solutions
The Airport of the Future is a Connected Space that Encompasses Retail, Experiential Commercial Items, Landscaping & Nature, Entertainment & Leisure. We're helping companies lead that transformational journey through the use of FM based technological sensors and data aggregators
Healthcare Solutions
Never before has the healthcare realm been at the forefront of our minds. We've designed, built and transferred Biosafety Level 2 & 3 Laboratories and set up critical redundancy models for high output 24x7 COVID laboratories in as little as 14 days.
Retail, Leisure & Entertainment
The Retail environment has changed. The connectivity of the shopping experience means shoppers are checking prices live with the internet whilst in the retail store. That makes pressures on the retail facility to deliver a different experience even greater. Our teams focus on the creation of FM plans that enhance the customer experience both externally from the retail shop as well as internally.
Transportation & Ports
Transportation & Ports is really about convenience, cost and ensuring that transportation is a viable alternative for those who would rather take a single vehicle. Understanding the facilities impact on users perception is a direct link to transportation uptake. Our Soft FM Strategies help transportation networks improve their look, feel and uptake levels.