Transportation & Ports
Transportation & Ports is really about convenience, cost and ensuring that transportation is a viable alternative for those who would rather take a single vehicle. Understanding the facilities impact on users perception is a direct link to transportation uptake. Our Soft FM Strategies help transportation networks improve their look, feel and uptake levels.
Across the UAE, the increase in transportation options has grown massively across the last decade. The inclusion of bikes, metros, bus systems and car share solutions have changed the once single rider vehicle culture.
The ability for a government to handle such wide and vast networks depends on key soft FM operational efficiencies. Having clean, round the clock bus shelters, avoiding waste build up and ensuring visibility of informational displays are just some of the ways that our FM teams work to ensure the quality of public transportation is sustained.
Through an understanding of route planning, busy times and key operational locations, our teams can structure a flexible yet lean team that responds quickly to any situation that may happen within the public transport network.
Similarly, we have built key security, cleaning and maintenance solutions that are being used today on key hub and spoke transportation networks for large government clients in the region. Our teams have the advantage of using data to develop and enhance system performance, we routinely provide asset health and conditioned based maintenance programs which partition costs to the areas which need it most and we work to structure and overlay shift matrix times to be able to deal with peaks and valleys within a transportation network hub system.
These small details have massive impacts to the overall perception of quality, health and safety within a transportation network.
Our experience will have a direct impact on your transport hub operationally and profitability wise.
Power in Numbers